Julie did such an awesome job of summarizing our holiday (with pictures of course!) that there is nothing I can possibly add to it except the two very amusing Adopt a Highway signs we saw...one section of our beautiful Pacific Coast highway has been adopted by "Cambria Republican Woman" (this is a blue state after all) and another by "Tim the Volunteer". I have a picture of Julie w/ the Cambria Republican woman but it has not been developed yet. You know why. Here's Julie's entry if you have not perused it yet. I will also throw a photo in for good measure:
Jellyfish at Monterey Bay Aquarium
I think this photo would make anyone jealous of the jellyfish- just floating along.
I think this photo would make anyone jealous of the jellyfish- just floating along.

Anyone hear of a band called Devotchka? I heard one of their songs in a movie called "Everything is Illuminated" which is awesome and you should all see it. Julie and I plan to make t-shirts that say "Oficious seeing-eye bitch"---see the movie for an explanation. Anyway the song "How it ends" was in the trailer and part of the movie and I ended up downloading a bunch of their other stuff. This section, besides recommending a good movie and band, was also to prove to Eamonn that I do listen to "new" music and not just "old" music like jazz, swing, and classic rock.
Oh amusing story! My cousin Jenny (well i guess technically she is my 2nd cousin, her grandfather is my grandmother's brother....all part of my complicated and extended Chinese family) is going to study abroad this summer as well as her roommate. Seemingly random but important backstory: First, Jenny is Chinese and looks...well...Chinese. When I studied abroad in Scotland 3 years ago I sent some pictures of my year back to the UC study abroad program and last year Jenny sent me a letter with the latest study abroad brochure and lo and behold there I was with my buddies Shona and Lizzie in front of the stone marking the border of Scotland beside the highway. So Jenny's roommate went to a info meeting about studying abroad with two other friends and they were shown a slideshow of all those cool people who studied abroad including ME! Jenny's roomie says to her friends "Hey that's Jenny's cousin!" And her friends' response: "Do you have your glasses on? That girl can't be Jenny's cousin. She's white!" My white half thought that was hilarious and my Chinese half thought it was a sad commentary of racial stereotypes today. And the other Valley girl half though OMG I am a total study abroad celebrity! You do the math.
Time is money and I just spend like 30 minutes on this dang entry because it took me that long to think of interesting things in my life currently and I could have spent it making a chart of Pacific trading vessels from 1785-1825 for money! So the least you could is leave a comment and let me know that you are alive and that this was time well spent.
a) "Everythg. is Illuminated" IS a great movie and I have been recommending it to everyone I encounter.
b) I was talking to Andy the other day and he told me that his girlfriend is nearly 30 y.o. and is just now seriously looking for a "real" job. She's managed to fill the last 12 yrs. of technical adulthood w/school, internships, fellowships, etc. So I don't really see the need for you to settle this issue *right*now*. That's my advice -- keep procrastinating.
c) What is up w/the handicapped-friendly word confirmation? Apparently it's a soundbyte for blind ppl., but then they still have to type the word, right? I guess they might have a Braille keyboard, but the whole thg. seems a bit odd to me. Are there that many blind ppl. on the Internet? I would think the two might be incompatible...
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